Rolv Muri (1921-1992) is one of the greatest modernist painters from this region. The exhibition includes an extensive selection of his work through 50 years.
I view things abstractly. My whole approach is abstract. When I work the land, I record abstracted images of nature to memory. I am not one of those people who experience nature and construct abstractions afterwards. The way I paint is how I see it.
- Rolv Muri, Sunnmørsposten 27.8.1976
Throughout his career, the Nordfjord native’s life was a balancing act between farming and visual art. The summers involved hard physical labour on the small and steep family farm at Auflem in Olden. In the evenings, and during the winter months, the essence of the nature impressions collected by Muri made their way onto brightly coloured canvases. Muri did not simply reproduce what he saw, but created new landscapes. In this exhibition, the public is invited to get close and personal with his abstract expressionism and experience the moods depicted in these large expressive paintings. The combination of vibrant colours, shapes, lines and surfaces invites free association and offer a fresh perspective on nature.
One should not understand art. Art needs to appeal to our emotions. Picasso always spoke of truth. I agree with that. What we create needs to be real. I extract the essence of my nature experiences.
- Rolv Muri, Sunnmørsposten, 17/12/1988
The county gallery in Sogn og Fjordane’s retrospective Muri exhibition in 1991 was his first solo exhibition in a museum context. Now the museum wishes to highlight this great and rich body of work for new generations and visitors.
Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum extends its gratitude to Ove Eide, private lenders and Sparebankstiftinga Sogn og Fjordane for supporting the exhibition.