Astruptunet Astruptunet
Flyfoto av kunstnharheimen til Nikolai Astrup, Astruptunet, der vi ser smale grusvegar bukte seg mellom grå bygningar med torvtak. Her kan du få omvisning.

Tour of the yard

Stad Astruptunet

The garden is accessible to the public without a ticket, all year round. You are always welcome into Astrup's world, and we are available for help, if needed.

At Astruptunet you can book a tour of the garden, the houses and the gallery. In the houses we tell the story of gardening and the home life of the Astrup family, in addition to Nikolai Astrup's studio within the living quarters. In the gallery we take you through the exhibition and the art of the artist couple, Engel and Nikolai Astrup. There is a selection of guided tours you can book either by contacting us or dropping by.