Millstone Park
Born i vikingkle male korn om til mel med ei gammaldags handkvern.

The art of grinding flour

Stad Kvernsteinsparken

In the past, grains were the most important part of the diet. Before one could start making bread, the grain had to be ground and one had to have a millstone. We can rightly say that the millstones from Hyllestad were the stones of life!

Self-ground grain to flour.

Try grinding your own grain and making your own millstone bread. Are you strong enough to move the grinder? It is heavy work and you have to grind for a long time to get enough flour for a piece of bread. The activity is suitable for everyone.

You can eat the bread you make!

Illustration: Espen Mills.

Plan your visit

Opening hours


  • Adult: 130 NOK
  • Children aged 0-17: Free
  • Students/seniors: 100 NOK
  • Museum pass: 240 NOK


Millstone Park
Lifjordvegen 9
6957 Hyllestad