Nordfjord Museum of Cultural History
Nordfjord Museum of Cultural History. The picture shows a open air museum with old houses, many green trees, and a green park-area.


Stad Nordfjord Folkemuseum

Explore stoves and storehouses, firehouses, barns and barns, stables and sheds, dog and hen houses, a school stove and of course a dyer's shop.

In the open-air museum you will find 44 antiquarian buildings from the Nordfjord region. The open-air museum is built as a cluster garden, which is the most common way the gardens in Nordfjord were in historical times.

You will also find a shelter, where you have a view of the entire open-air museum, and if you look carefully, you can see beyond the fjord and out to Holvikejekta.

Inside the open-air museum, you will find an apple orchard with over 30 different local apple varieties, several outdoor chargers, and a hydroelectric plant.

You can read more about our buildings on Digitalt Museum.

Guided tour of the open-air museum and the antiquarian houses

From May to October, the houses in the open-air museum are open to the public during the museum's opening hours, and in the summer season from June to August we offer daily tours of the houses included in the entrance ticket.

We offer guided tours for groups and school classes all year round, contact ous at e-mail ( for more information.

No grilling or use of fire in the park

Fires and smoking are prohibited in the open-air museum. We ask that everyone who uses the area pay attention to our valuable buildings.