Sogn Art Centre
Portrett av Hans Gjesme, gamal mann med strikkegensar og tjukke briller.

About Sogn Art Centre

About Hans Gjesme

The painter Hans Gjesme was born in Lærdal on 11 May 1904. He developed an interest in drawing early on, and his schoolbooks were filled with sketches illustrating fairy tales, historical events and Bible stories.

Utsyn frå Uppigarden på Voll i Lærdal mot Hynjahovden.
Hans Gjesme, view from Voll farm in Lærdal towards the mountain Hynjahovden, 1917, pencil on paper, in homemade sketch book from when Gjesme was 13 years old. (Photo: Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, CC-BY-2.0)

As early as the age of 16 Gjesme travelled to Kristiania (later Oslo) to study under Pola Gauguin, who was extremely pleased with his student’s efforts and rapid progress. In 1925 Gjesme embarked on a study tour to Paris, where he eventually began to study under André Lhote.

Ein ung mann i dress sit på ei sprinkelseng med gult teppe.
Hans Gjesme, portrait of the swedish poet and artist Börje Veslén who stayed in the same hotel as Gjesme in Paris, spring 1925, pastel on paper. (Photo: Jens Hauge, CC-BY-2.0)

Gjesme’s debut took place at the 1926 Vestlandsutstillingen exhibition, where he was represented with a landscape painting and an interior painting. His paintings received good reviews in the newspaper Bergens Tidende. Later reviews were more mixed, but Gjesme nevertheless continued to hold both solo and group exhibitions every year. He was accepted as an exhibitor in the prestigious Annual Autumn Exhibition in Oslo in 1932. Gjesme’s style was figurative, and his principal motifs were landscapes and the people of Lærdal. He was skilled at drawing, and created many characteristic portraits of his family and friends. He portrayed the distinctive landscape of Lærdal, with its steep cliffs flanking the village, in a variety of light conditions and in different seasons of the year. Gjesme also made plaster sculptures, and sought commissions for monumental decorations, unfortunately with no success. At a solo exhibition in Bergen, in 1939, he was criticised for using too wide a variety of techniques and motifs.

Lærdal mot Hynjahovden.
Hans Gjesme, view from the Voll farm, eastwards, probably from the 1920's, oil on canvas. (Photo: Jens Hauge, CC-BY-2.0)

From 1954 Gjesme suffered from mental health issues, and in 1955 he was admitted to Gaustad Mental Hospital in Oslo. During his stay, he used the bathroom in the 3-person room as a studio. He remained at the hospital for 16 years before returning to Lærdal in 1971. As an older man Hans Gjesme finally gained recognition for his work. He regularly received visits from fellow artists, journalists and art historians who wanted to see his collection. In 1977 Gjesme opened his largest exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo. On that occasion art critic Arne Durban wrote: “Now, at long last, Hans Gjesme has arrived in the art community of the country’s capital.” Gjesme died in Lærdal in 1994.

Blyantskisse av bygningane på Gaustad.
Hans Gjesme, sketch from Gaustad mental hospital, 1960, pencil on paper, in sketch book. (Photo: Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, CC-BY-2.0)

The photograph of Hans Gjesme in his older days was taken by Jens Hauge.

Written by

Ingrid Norum, senior advisor/ conservator NMF, Art department, MISF